If You Stop Asking these 10 Questions, You’re Toast


Do NOT Stop Asking These 10 Questions

Several years ago, I wrote about whether we needed another checklist of the 10 Stupid Things I can’t stop doing ..or the Top 5 things I need to do before I brush my teeth (really, nothing, do that first … please).

I ran across it recently and re-read the article by Marc Kramer entitled, The 10 Questions You Should Never Stop Asking.

What about … WHAT ONLY YOU CAN DO?

As an experienced leadership coach leading a group of CEOs as well as a separate group of senior executives, I’m constantly reminding leaders to focus more intensely on what only you can do.

You’ll need to register to read A.G. Lafley’s article (former and now again, CEO of Procter & Gamble), What Only the CEO Can Do, but if you want to squarely face the notion that there are certain things that only you can do … and if you don’t, no one will … take a close look at his landmark article.

[pullquote]The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions. ~Peter Drucker[/pullquote]

This article is not just for CEO’s, either. The core concepts apply to everyone.

You contribute uniquely to everything you do.

There is no substitute for YOU!

Make sure you can always answer these 10 Questions

As you make your unique contribution, ask yourself these questions.

Don’t gloss over them because you think you’ve already answered them.

Pull them out … assume you’re starting all over again … and carefully consider each one of them.

If you don’t, we’ll look for you out in the boneyard.

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