Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Featured Fiction Gold – Mystery Mystery Mystery – Suspense – Thriller genre

    An Update on the Rhyme & Shaw Series from Jeffery Deaver

    Jeffery Deaver is a prolific author with several outstanding series characters. His website describes the wide range of his writing. I agree with Deaver's characterization that Lincoln is an…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Entrepreneurship Gold – Leadership Leadership Management Performance Personal Development Productivity Quotations Talent Management

    Are You Struggling to Make the Tough Decisions?

    In my decades of leadership coaching, in both one-one and group settings, I've been reminded that nothing is more frustrating to senior leaders than having to make the tough…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Family Business Leadership Mission Organization Vision

    Have you figured out who you are yet?

    What do you think they mean when someone says something like, "You've got to be somebody." Do you know who that somebody is yet?
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    Building a Business Entrepreneurship Gold – Leadership Leadership Leadership Series Performance Personal Development Success Talent Management Tools & Resources

    7 Attributes of an Olympic Class Organization

    The 7 Attributes of an Olympic Class Organization describes what's required to build a powerful team. You can also access the Olympic Attributes Assessment Tool to help you evaluate…
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    Featured Quotations

    Leaders. What are you doing to build your team?

    Are you conscious of HOW you’re leading?Are you too focused on why people need to have confidence in you rather than confidence in themselves as part of your Leadership…
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    Featured Uncategorized

    Super Sick of these Exaggerations

    Okay, so this is kind of a rant … but I don’t care because it came flowing out and it sure felt good. That’s how I can tell how…
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    Featured Uncategorized

    What does this phrase mean to you?

    I’ve read quite a few books about the Navy SEALS. Maybe you have, too, but I’ve done it not by virtue of hero worship, although they are worthy, but more…
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    Featured Holidays

    Celebrate Independence Day and Honor Those Who Made It Possible

    Today is usually a day for hot dogs, parades and festive celebrations of the birth of this wonderful nation we inhabit. I t should be … but in addition,…
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    Accountability Entrepreneurship Featured Leadership Performance Personal Development Productivity Quotations

    There’s No Substitute for Focus!

    You're probably clear on the importance of focus, what I consider to be the flip side of distraction. A lot can be said about distractions and how to manage…
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