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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Books Leadership

    A Passion for Learning is the Cornerstone of Success

    The NY Times recently published an article entitled "If You're Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow", a summary of research completed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck and published…
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    Economy Leadership

    Through the CEO’s eyes

    Hang in there, CEO's. The world isn't coming to an end quite yet. According to a blurb in the NY Times on Sunday, CEO's don't think the economy is…
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    Books Leadership

    Leadership Lessons from the Fallen

    In our search for the quintessence of leadership, we've quoted many CEO's about the qualities of great leaders. Following the maxim that if failure doesn't kill you, it makes…
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    Leadership Surviving the Storm

    More thoughts on Leading in a Recession

    Global uber consultant Ram Charan wrote an article back in February that I went back and dug up when I realized how many people have asked for tips about…
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    In Memoriam

    "The willingness of some to give their lives so that others might live never fails to evoke in us a sense of wonder and mystery. One gets that feeling…
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    Leadership Strategy

    Can you say your Strategy?

    The April issue of the Harvard Business Review carried an article entitled Can You Say What Your Strategy Is? In short, the authors, David Collis and Michael Rukstad, describe…
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    Good Advice for Tough Times

    Dennis Zeleny, an established HR professional and frequent contributor to Forbes magazine, contributes another POV in a growing list of articles about How to Lead in Tough Times. I…
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    Economy Leadership

    How to lead during a recession!

    Jack Welch doesn't need kudos from me, but I appreciate his recent column (with his wife, Suzy), Keeping Morale Up in a Downturn, in the recent issue of Business…
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    Finance Leadership Performance Productivity Talent Management Technology

    Get home right now!

    BW reported this week on the accelerating trend toward home offices. Even such office-centric firms as BDO Seidman are finding ways to save money by encouraging home offices -…
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