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    Recent Leadership Articles


    Does Everyone in Your Company Clearly Understand Your Vision?

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    Books Leadership

    The Simple 7 Step Process to Build Your Reading Program

    I'm out of town this week, but while I’m gone, I want to share with you some of the Gold Feature articles I have written. Each of them supports…
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    Wanna Win? Make Sure These Prime Characteristics are Joined at the Hip.

    The week just ended is my favorite sports week of the year. W hat’s not to like? Get in the game. Enjoy the Ride. The week just ended is…
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    The Single Word That Dooms Every Apology

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    Accountability Ethics Gold – Accountability Gold – Leadership Leadership Personal Development

    The 6 Powerful Benefits of Admitting Your Mistakes

    Go ahead. Raise your hand if you've never made a mistake I f your hand isn’t up, how willing are you to own and admit your mistakes? What's the…
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    Leadership Quotations

    Monday’s Quote of the Week

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    The 7 Attributes of an Olympic Class Organization

    Being a winner … and staying a winner … sounds a lot easier than it is. M ost of us who played any sport over the years has learned…
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    The 3 Words You Never Want to Hear: “Prepare for Impact” | 5 Mission Critical Instruments To Keep Your Business Airborne

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