Sword Tips

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Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability in Action Best Advice I Ever Got Executive Coaching Leadership Sports Team-Building

    What can you learn about Teams from Coach K?

    We know sports is a unique phenomenon in this country … and March Madness is the perfect example. Brackets everywhere, employees calling in sick (uh huh) and zealous alumni…
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    Accountability in Action Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Interesting Stuff Leadership Living the Dream Performance Personal Development

    Leaning in … or falling back?

    It’s become a popular refrain to “lean in“ anytime we’re hesitant to tackle a project or move something forward. Something you might’ve heard from your father about “put your…
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    Accountability in Action Building a Business Business Brief Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Leadership Insights Quotations Team-Building

    What can we do to stop the excuses?

    For some reason, we homo sapiens have an innate tendency to make excuses. Is it because we’re unable to accomplish a specific task and can’t/won’t admit it? Is it…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Leadership Performance Personal Development Quotations Surviving the Storm

    Don’t Live a Life Full of Regret

    You’ve probably heard a lot of interesting quotes about life’s regrets. None of us is immune to the unwelcome sentiment of regret. It’s far too easy to look back…
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    How are CEOs Tackling Inflation?

    Here is a series of valuable articles that illustrate the key issues on the minds of CEOs as they develop plans to tackle inflation. I've taken the liberty to…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Holiday Holidays Humor Leadership

    Thank You, Mr. President for the 3-Day Weekend

    I hope you're continuing to enjoy President's Day & the 3-Day Weekend. While you've been enjoying time with the family, I've had time to analyze the world's problems ……
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Communication Culture Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business Leadership Mission Performance Personal Development

    Are you sure you’re NOT quitting?

    If you're watching the Beijing Winter Olympics, you've seen that this theme is NOT the attitude of an Olympic Athlete. They are not quitters. Yes, they fall or make…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Communication Culture Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business Gold – Accountability Leadership Mission Organization Team-Building

    Why would anyone aspire to Leadership?

    I heard from a CEO recently, with whom I've met and had dinner, but have not worked. He included this sentence in an email after a brief introduction :…
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    Accountability Communication Leadership Mission Motivation & Incentives Performance Personal Development Productivity Quotations

    What you can learn about Team-Building at the Winter Olympics

    The Winter Olympics in Beijing are in full swing and it's exciting to see the camaraderie and kinship shared by so many, within the individual teams as well as…
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