Leadership Library – Featured Articles

7 Simple Steps to Build Vital Flexibility into Your Company’s DNA

Over many years, I've racked my brain for the single word that represents THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE of a…
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The 6 Powerful Benefits of Admitting Your Mistakes

Go ahead. Raise your hand if you've never made a mistake I f your hand isn’t up, how willing are…
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There’s a simple one-word formula to Achieve Excellence

PREPARE to Win … or get ready to get your butt kicked! In our travels, we’ve seen plenty of obstacles to success,…
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The 7 Qualities You Need to Get Your Company on the Medal Stand

What does it take to get on the Medal Stand and out of the Grandstands? Jessica Long. One of the…
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Leadership Insight | Building Consensus does not Build Success

Building Consensus ≠ Building SuccessI have been working with a young CEO who recently acceded to her company’s leadership.She was the…
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About Me

I am a professional author and speaker as well as a leadership coach facilitating leadership groups among CEOs and senior business leaders in the SF Bay area.

I am the author or more than 125+ newspaper columns published by the SF Bay affiliate of the NY Times among the 550+ articles here. I have also written 3 ebooks about Leadership & Business Finance.

