Get Things Done – SIMPLY

jigsaw-puzzle-one-piece-missingFinding ways to get things done more simply is an elusive target for most of us. Forbes magazine recently carried an article in which Ron Ahskenas, a managing partner at Robert H. Schaffer & Associates, a Stamford, Ct. management consulting firm, talked about three key ways to get more done by “SIMPLIFYING” your business.

While implementing common processes throughout the organization is more challenging for larger organizations, it should be easier to accomplish for smaller ones. Reducing product variation is a simple theme but one that masks great opportunities for many firms which have unhesitatingly expanded their product selections so as not to “miss” a customer, without recognizing the tremendous costs they’ve incurred.

Finally, taking the customer’s perspective – truly understanding what it’s like to walk in their shoes – is critical to sustaining deep customer relationships.

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