Sword Tips, Dec 16, 2021

Welcome to Sword Tips, the Exkalibur newsletter, which scans the landscape to bring you timely and meaningful resources about life, liberty and the pursuit of what’s interesting and relevant to our lives.

We’ll continue to update the format and presentation of the Newsletter, adding additional content in the areas of Leadership, Productivity and Accountability.

We’ll also sprinkle in our popular quotes and other materials to help you Become a More Effective Leader, Accelerate Your Career Growth and Build a More Successful business in the coming years.

Whassup in the Workplace?

Here are 3 quick takeaways that managers should apply:

  1. Let your em­ploy­ees know when a dead­line is flex­i­ble.
  2. Em­pha­size that ask­ing for more time doesn’t sig­nal in­com­pe­tence but rather a com­mit­ment to high-qual­ity work.
  3. En­act a for­mal work­place pol­icy on project ex­ten­sions.

Bosses can help employees remember what the office has to offer—from a better desk setup to brainstorming opportunities—and provide new inducements like flexible schedules or on-site daycare.

There’s more, but here are a few starters:

  • Color-coded wrist­bands can help col­leagues sig­nal their open­ness to a hug.
  • It’s im­por­tant to sched­ule 10 min­utes of travel time be­tween meet­ings, and
  • It’s tough to get some peo­ple into meet­ing rooms with masks if they can join a video call with­out a mask from their desk.

An interesting shift to promote their major product in the face of the pandemic.

Yawn much?

It turns out that yawning is a good thing, increasing blood flow to the brain to cool it to its optimal temperature.

It’s apparently NOT a sign of boredom, but represents a struggle to stay alert because you ARE engaged in the current activity.

And, yes, it is strangely contagious. Watch the short video about this universal phenomenon that affects all vertebrates.

Now You Know!


The orange dot is telling you that your iPhone microphone is being used by an app. It’ll appear when you use voice memos, maybe briefly after you close out of your camera, or if you’re using any app that exclusively records your voice.


The green dot is telling you that your iPhone camera is being used by an app. You’ll see it when opening your camera, or taking pictures on Instagram, Snapchat, or any social media app that allows you to take pictures and post them.

No reason for concern, but now you know.

From the NHL: “Ice is approximately 3/4″ of an inch thick and is usually chilled at 16 degrees Fahrenheit. The thicker the ice, the softer and slower it becomes.”

I’d guess that’s a lot thinner than both of us thought?

The 12 Pains of Christmas, 2021

I’ve updated this annual favorite and hope you enjoy The 12 Pains of Christmas.

Sing along to the tune of The 12 days of Christmas. Key of D#  please.

Good News Corner

It doesn’t get much better than this: Bride wears tactile wedding dress for blind husband.

Let the Dinosaur tell you about extinction

If you’re interested in the challenges of climate change, this is a very clever approach to sharing information

🎄🎄🎅🏻🤶🏿🧑🏽‍🎄. The Holidays are Here! 🧑🏽‍🎄🤶🏿🎅🏻🎄🎄

If this doesn’t put a hop in your step and a smile on your face … we need to talk.

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