Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Capital Markets Capital Strategy Entrepreneurship Finance Leadership Politics Strategy United States – General

    Is Warren Buffet crazy?

    This is the title of a recent blog entry from James Surowiecki's blog on The New Yorker. He poses an interesting notion that banks will be doing better than…
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    Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Recruiting Talent Management

    Get the best talent you can!!!

    The NY Times carried a poignant article today about Talent: The Secrets of the Talent Scouts. Here are 2 key  messages that bear repeating:     1.  Get as…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Cash Management Compensation Economy Entrepreneurship Finance Leadership Recruiting Strategy Surviving the Storm Talent Management

    Straight Talk. All the Time . . . for Entrepreneurs

    We're proud of the "Straight Talk. All the Time" mantra on this site. Jason Calacanis of Maholo.com and founder of Silicon Alley Reporter stays close to that line in…
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    Banking Capital Markets Capital Strategy Economy Latest Columns Leadership Strategy

    Vol. 37: “Shell the Beach”

    The North Bay Business Journal, a publication of the New York Times, is a weekly business newspaper which covers the North Bay area of San Francisco – from the…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Capital Markets Economy Entrepreneurship Finance Leadership Politics Strategy United States – General Valuation

    Warren? Can you sit on my Board?

    Warren Buffet's Chairman's letter in the annual report of Berkshire Hathaway is always a good read and offers a glimpse into the mind of America's investment éminence grise. It…
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    Cash Management Communication Economy Finance Growth Strategy Leadership Surviving the Storm Talent Management

    How to manage layoffs

    CFO Magazine recently published an article about "How to Talk about Layoffs". It includes some valuable anecdotes about layoff processes that don't work. Here are several key themes that…
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    Capital Markets Capital Strategy Cash Management Finance Latest Columns Leadership Planning & Forecasting Pricing

    Vol. 36: How to deal with your bank

    The North Bay Business Journal, a publication of the New York Times, is a weekly business newspaper which covers the North Bay area of San Francisco – from the…
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    Economy Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Performance Productivity Strategy Surviving the Storm Talent Management

    Save money – save jobs!

    I reported recently on the trend toward cutting costs without cutting jobs. BW expands upon that concept focusing on mandatory vacation and voluntary leave. I have recommended that to…
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    Communication Economy Entrepreneurship Leadership Politics Strategy Talent Management

    Leadership Challenges

    As usual, Jack and Suzy Welch are on target with their latest BW column, critizing the new Administration for various leadership "shortcomings". The valuable insight for business leaders is…
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