Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Entrepreneurship Family Business Latest Columns Leadership Productivity Strategy Surviving the Storm

    Do you find yourself always asking, “Where Are We?”

    “Where are we” is a question I hear all the time. Usually, the questioner is looking for some answers about the business landscape and where we might be in…
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    Capital Markets Capital Strategy Communication Entrepreneurship Finance Leadership Strategy

    Like I’ve been saying ….

    Angels invested more than $19 Billion in 2008 according to the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire. The NY Times published an article today reporting…
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    Accountability Executive Coaching Gold – Accountability Latest Columns Leadership Performance

    Don’t skip this! Create Goals that Have Meaning

    Creating goals that have meaning “It’s just a goal.” That’s a phrase I’ve heard too many times when a business leader engages in a performance review with an employee…
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    Capital Markets Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Family Business

    The need for independent directors

    As you know, I have long advocated the value of independent directors in the middle market. They bring perspective and diversity to family businesses in particular, and more subtly,…
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    Entrepreneurship Is this a Great Country or What? Leadership Numerati Sales & Marketing Valuation

    Trump on Valuation? Really?

    For you valuation junkies out there, it's kind of a hoot to hear The Donald talk about how he values companies and his interest in them in an interview…
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    Economy Finance Leadership Politics Strategy Surviving the Storm

    Is the Worst Over?

    There are certainly some who think the tailspin is ending and the flight path is leveling out. The NY Times reported that more than half of the companies surveyed…
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    Economy Entrepreneurship Exkalibur – In the News Family Business Growth Strategy Leadership North Bay Business Journal Planning & Forecasting Strategy Surviving the Storm

    Hope is not a Strategy: FREE Live Webcast

    On Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. PDT and on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. PDT, we are hosting a FREE Live Webcast for CEO's and…
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    Capital Markets Capital Strategy Entrepreneurship Growth Strategy Leadership Performance Planning & Forecasting Technology Valuation

    Business Plans don’t matter?

    Wow! According to a NY Times report, a recent study at the University of Maryland found that business plans really don't matter! Their study found that VC's pay little…
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    Capital Strategy Cash Management Corporate Governance Economy Entrepreneurship Growth Strategy Leadership Surviving the Storm Valuation

    Cut Costs or Invest in Growth?

    The Wall St. Journal reports today on growing tension at venture-backed companies over whether to save money to reduce risk or invest to take advantage of new opportunities. You…
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