Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Leadership Management Talent Management

    It’s not the person

    Fast Company recently carried a brief piece which described how what appears to be a personal shortcoming may obfuscate a problem situation. In psychology, they call it the Fundamental…
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    Accountability Capital Markets Communication Corporate Governance Cost Management Family Business Government Leadership Metrics & Reporting Politics Small Business Taxation Valuation

    Do we need a Federal Escrow Fund?

    I'm sure this will be a popular post … but set aside your emotions for a moment about the BP disaster… and consider the insistence by the federal government…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Executive Coaching Leadership

    John Wooden: Words to live by

    The simplest things in life are free … and sometimes, it's the simple things that make so much sense. Here is the simple creed that John Wooden, famed UCLA…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Executive Coaching Leadership Management Motivation & Incentives Performance Talent Management

    Any control freaks out there?

    Those of you who are willing to admit …  or deserving … of wearing this crown have probably stumbled down the staircase more than once trying to exert your…
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    Accountability Communication GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Management Productivity

    Conference Calls not working so well?

    Fast Company recently published a blog post called 10 Rules for Effective Conference Calls, which sounds about right … and I think you'll agree that you've heard … or…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Performance Productivity

    The Misleading Meandering of Multitasking!

    Many of you have seen my earlier posts – the Stanford research or the NY Times summary about how multitasking fails to increase our productivity … the very enemy…
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    California Capital Markets Economy Entrepreneurship Family Business Government Politics Productivity Small Business Strategy Taxation

    California still sharing space with whale pucky!

    Like we need more bad news in or about California … but the Chief Executive organization's survey of Best and Worst States for Business 2010 finds the Golden State's…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Deal-Making Entrepreneurship Leadership Performance Small Business Strategy

    Let the laymen set the deal!

    Once in awhile, it's nice to see your advice echoed in the halls from someone like Warren Buffett. Since my early investment and venture capital days, I have promoted…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Performance Small Business

    Have a Truth Teller onBoard?

    I'm a relentless advocate for outside board members in family businesses, in large part to divorce the value of objective business discussions from subjective family dynamics. I've seen a…
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