Sword Tips

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Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Click the button below to read our latest newsletter or browse some of our recent articles below that focus on Leadership, Productivity, Team-Building and Accountability. 

    Recent Leadership Articles

    Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Culture Culture Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Mission Motivation & Incentives Organization

    Let’s Say You’re Paranoid. What’s Next?

    Concepts about paranoia abound. Ask any of us … Andy Grove, Jim Collins, Muhtar Kent … or me. By any name, change is healthy, but it means you’ll have…
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    Books Entrepreneurship Featured Interesting Stuff Leadership

    A few interesting items for your Friday Focus….

    This week you'll learn about the incredible stunt in the art world worth millions, relationship math, the history of the High Five and an Apple update.
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    Accountability Leadership Strategy

    Your 2022 Plan is Underway. Any Chance You’ll Implement it This Time?

    Working on your 2022 plan feels great … but if you're not working with intense and relentless focus, it's DOA.The harsh reality is that the so-called strategy formulation part…
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    Leadership Quotations

    Get your ship out of the harbor. Now.

    This subject comes up often in a variety of contexts. We’ve talked about “paralysis by analysis“, for example, which is just one of the potential obstacles keeping us f…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Humor Interesting Stuff Leadership

    Here are a few items to kickoff your weekend ….

    Another welcome Friday is here. Check out the problems of the real-life Sopranos along with another failed incentive plan, flying cars, a peak into the archives and a tribute…
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    Communication Culture Gold – Leadership Leadership Performance Personal Development Strategy Talent Management

    6 Keys to Unlock & Rock Your Company Culture

    I was at the epicenter of one cultural disaster. From the first day, I was stunned that so many put up with so much. My excuse is that I…
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    Communication Leadership Quotations

    What is the single biggest problem with communication?

    It would be tough to find a counselor or psychologist who would disagree that communication is the biggest hurdle we face in building and sustaining meaningful relationships. Whether it's…
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    Culture Entrepreneurship Interesting Stuff Leadership Personal Development

    Here are a few more interesting tidbits ….

    Another welcome Friday is here … with “Carmaggedon” expected in San Francisco with the Giants facing the L.A. Dodgers in the first round of the MLB playoffs while Fleet…
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    Accountability Leadership Motivation & Incentives Performance Personal Development

    Prefer to stay under the covers instead of getting out of bed?

    All of us have felt this way at one time or another. Nothing is going our way and it's just too hard to slog through the quicksand to get…
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