Sword Tips

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We’re supplementing that focus with additional “Business Briefs” in which we’ll share diverse perspectives on the workplace, the economy and the factors that have the greatest impact on leaders and their organizations.

Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Click the button below to read our latest newsletter or browse some of our recent articles below that focus on Leadership, Productivity, Team-Building and Accountability. 

    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Building a Business Compensation Corporate Governance Economy Entrepreneurship Family Business Gold – Leadership Leadership Leadership Series Motivation & Incentives Performance Small Business Succession Planning Talent Management

    Leadership Lessons | Are Incentives the Cornerstone of Life?

    Does your incentive program REALLY drive performance? You probably know someone, don't you, who is a star performer who believes that her achievements go unrewarded? If so, you probably…
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    Building a Business Communication Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership LinkedIn Personal Development Small Business Social Media

    Social Media | LinkedIn’s 100 Million Members ARE a big deal

    Leverage the Business Power of LinkedIn It happened again the other day. I was chatting with a client and in the course of our conversation about someone they said:…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Entrepreneurship Family Business GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Organization Performance Personal Development Productivity Small Business Time Management

    Productivity Tip | Who doesn’t love a home-cooked meal?

    A Weekly Personal Productivity series to help you get more done!Every Thursday, I'm sharing a new Personal Productivity Tip to help you get more done. Each Productivity Tip is…
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    Building a Business Communication Entrepreneurship Family Business Latest Columns Leadership Leadership Series Motivation & Incentives North Bay Business Journal Performance Small Business

    Leadership Lessons: Madness or a Masters in Business?

    What Does It Take to be a Great Leader? Nothing in life travels in a neat formation accompanied by bugles and cavalry. A lot of it shows up filthy…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Communication Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business Leadership Leadership Series Planning & Forecasting Strategy

    Leadership Lessons | Thinking Long Term – or just for today?

    “Make use of time, let not advantage slip.” ~  William Shakespeare What Does It Take to be a Great Leader? As we've all learned, most of life's lessons don't…
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    Accountability Building a Business Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business GTD: Getting Things Done Organization Performance Personal Development Productivity Small Business Time Management

    Personal Productivity | Using the 2 Minute Rule? Do the Opposite!

    A Weekly Personal Productivity series to help you get more done!Every Thursday, I'm sharing a new Personal Productivity Tip to help you get more done. Each Productivity Tip is…
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    Accountability Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Organization Performance Personal Development Productivity Small Business Time Management

    Personal Productivity | You Can Conquer the Devil in the Details

    A Weekly Personal Productivity series to help you get more done!Every Thursday, I'm sharing a new Personal Productivity Tip to make a real difference in your personal productivity success….
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