Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Performance Personal Development Small Business Talent Management Time Management

    If You Stop Asking these 10 Questions, You’re Toast

    Do NOT Stop Asking These 10 Questions Several years ago, I wrote about whether we needed another checklist of the 10 Stupid Things I can’t stop doing ..or the…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Leadership Personal Development Quotations

    “You have to understand what it is that you are better at than anybody else and mercilessly focus your efforts on it.”

    Andy Grove, the former CEO of Intel, wrote the book, “Only the Paranoid Survive”, a testament to his relentless drive and devotion. Two of the quotes attributed to him…
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    Hope is powerful but don’t let it become an embalming agent. Get moving.

    Hope isn't a strategy. Action IS!For most of us, this is the time of the year when hope springs eternal. We’re revved up for an exciting new year, determined…
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    Leadership Personal Development Quotations

    God is not on the side of the big arsenals, but on the side of those who shoot best.

    ~ Voltaire There are days when we think we have no chance at all. Others got there first … they have bigger armies and bigger arsenals … more money,…
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    How did Bruno Mars make it to the Super Bowl Halftime Show?

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    Rudolph led his team across the world. You can, too!

    If you woke up this morning with sugar plums dancing in your head, most likely Santa made it down the chimney … and Rudolph is stretched out on the…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Communication Customer Service Entrepreneurship Family Business Holidays Leadership Productivity

    You can certainly sing this! The 12 Pains of Christmas

    The holidays are here and we’re still trying to figure out how we’re going to get it all done. So, instead of asking you to work at something –…
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    What do Magicians, Grifters and Financial Legerdemain Have in Common?

    Magicians are pretty amazing, aren’t they? They do stuff right in front of our eyes … we’re on the edge of our seats … expecting the unexpected … and…
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