Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

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    People Pleasers. Pay Attention.

    Is this you? Perhaps it’s all of us at one point or another, but it’s not on the path to the success we’d like to achieve. It can also…
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    Accountability Culture Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Featured Leadership Performance Personal Development Quotations Success

    It’s Not Easy to Count What Matters

    Keep this quote top of mind as you evaluate talent and set benchmarks for your individual and organizational success. Don’t make the mistake of defaulting to the easily measurable…
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    Leadership Life Performance Quotations Veterans

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    I'm pretty sure most of us missed the Crusades … and know very little of medieval warfare.While battle strategy in that era appears to be random and haphazard, certainly in most movies…
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    Accountability Communication Delegation Entrepreneurship Leadership Mission Planning & Forecasting Productivity Strategy Technology Time Management Tools & Resources Vision

    You Know Hope Isn’t a Strategy, Don’t You? Right? Hello?

    How’s that strategy execution coming along? I ’ll bet things are starting to drag about now, aren’t they? The pandemic is winding down and summer’s just around the corner….
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    Should Pleading Guilty Excuse the Violation?

    For most of our life, we’ve heard, “Don’t be a snitch”. In most of the movies we’ve seen, the “snitchers’ don’t fare so well when their comrades discover their…
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    Accountability Banking Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Ethics Leadership Performance Personal Development Recruiting Talent Management

    Why a Code of Conduct Strengthens Your Organization

    Have you established a written Code of Conduct in your organization? O ur prescriptions for acceptable behavior are too vague. Get started now to spell it out more clearly…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Culture Leadership Performance Personal Development Recruiting Talent Management

    Kick the Certified Jerks to the Curb

    If you want to poison the well where you work, allow a Certified Jerk to roam free. Mollycoddling is a pernicious and infectious organism you need to expel from…
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