
Strategy is tossed around pretty loosely these days, but we’re trying to lend some structure to those conversations. In this section, you will find helpful articles differentiating vision from mission, separating strategy creation from implementation, as well as other articles to help you create, sustain and execute your strategy.

Please check out the Featured Articles from our Strategy Library to get you started.

Work Share program avoids layoffs

In our CEO Round Table meetings, we have discussed on several occasions the Work Sharing Unemployment Insurance program available through…
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Like I’ve been saying ….

Angels invested more than $19 Billion in 2008 according to the Center for Venture Research at the University of New…
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Light at the end of the tunnel?

One leaf does not a fall make … but there is some glimmer of economic improvement in the Bay area….
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The Meineke Syndrome?

I can't say I've heard that phrase before … but it refers to the Meineke ads that shouted: "I'm not…
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Trump on Valuation? Really?

For you valuation junkies out there, it's kind of a hoot to hear The Donald talk about how he values…
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About Me

I am a professional author and speaker as well as a leadership coach facilitating leadership groups among CEOs and senior business leaders in the SF Bay area.

I am the author or more than 125+ newspaper columns published by the SF Bay affiliate of the NY Times among the 550+ articles here. I have also written 3 ebooks about Leadership & Business Finance.

