
I have written more than 150 articles about Productivity. They cover many aspects of the popular GTD methodology which I actively practice, along with articles on technology that include cool hardware devices and valuable software tools

Please check out the Featured Articles from our Productivity Library to get you started.

The Power of Checklists | One Simple Tool to Overcome Brain Freeze

Checklists? You mean those lists I prepare each day that don't do anything to help my productivity? N o, it's…
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Why You Should Implement the 2 Minute Rule … and When You Shouldn’t

Many of us follow an informal rule about doing something now if it takes just a few minutes. I t’s…
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The 8 Most Powerful Letters in Your Productivity Toolkit | Video

Just when I thought we had covered the waterfront with respect to accountability, I’m reminded of the linchpin of true…
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Productivity: The Single Powerful Feature That Makes Evernote Indispensable

We’re good at saving paper, aren’t we? Too bad we’re lousy at finding them again right when we need them….
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About Me

I am a professional author and speaker as well as a leadership coach facilitating leadership groups among CEOs and senior business leaders in the SF Bay area.

I am the author or more than 125+ newspaper columns published by the SF Bay affiliate of the NY Times among the 550+ articles here. I have also written 3 ebooks about Leadership & Business Finance.



I have written more than 150 articles about Productivity. They cover many aspects of the popular GTD methodology which I actively practice, along with articles on technology that include cool hardware devices and valuable software tools

Please check out the Featured Articles from our Productivity Library to get you started.

The Power of Checklists | One Simple Tool to Overcome Brain Freeze

Checklists? You mean those lists I prepare each day that don't do anything to help my productivity? N o, it's…
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Why You Should Implement the 2 Minute Rule … and When You Shouldn’t

Many of us follow an informal rule about doing something now if it takes just a few minutes. I t’s…
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The 8 Most Powerful Letters in Your Productivity Toolkit | Video

Just when I thought we had covered the waterfront with respect to accountability, I’m reminded of the linchpin of true…
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Productivity: The Single Powerful Feature That Makes Evernote Indispensable

We’re good at saving paper, aren’t we? Too bad we’re lousy at finding them again right when we need them….
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1 13 14 15 16 17 36

About Me

I am a professional author and speaker as well as a leadership coach facilitating leadership groups among CEOs and senior business leaders in the SF Bay area.

I am the author or more than 125+ newspaper columns published by the SF Bay affiliate of the NY Times among the 550+ articles here. I have also written 3 ebooks about Leadership & Business Finance.

