Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Compensation Customer Service Leadership Performance Succession Planning

    Has the chicken come home to roost?

    I wrote several columns in December last year, With Wall St. as Sideshow, Performance is Best Salary Guide, discussed the extraordinary exit strategies for Wall St. executives whose performance…
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    Capital Markets Corporate Governance Economy Leadership

    What happened? What happens now?

    Before we can even catch our breath, we learn that the Fed has bailed out AIG to the tune of $85B to forestall an even greater calamity in capital…
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    Capital Markets Economy Leadership

    How to deal with unstable financial markets?

    In my 35+ years, I have not seen a more dramatic day on Wall Street and the financial markets. Fundamental restructuring of the nation's leading investment banks leaves only…
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    Exkalibur – In the News Leadership Leadership Forum, The North Bay Business Journal

    Cash is (still) King: Practical Strategies for Turbulent Times

    Here is the newspaper ad that has been running weekly in the North Bay Business Journal to announce the upcoming event of The Leadership Forum. I will be moderating…
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    Corporate Governance

    Corporate Governance

    Do you think that there is more time spent on process and protocol than thinking and inquiring at a recent Board meeting? As you may know, the Conference Board…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Leadership

    The Best Advice you ever received?

    Fortune Magazine's most recent issue challenged a wide variety of business and government leaders to share the The Best Advice I Ever Got. I think that's a great challenge…
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    Customer Service Leadership

    How to treat customers? Like guests.

    Saturday's NY Times carried an interview with Alan J. Fuerstman, CEO of Montage Hotels and Resorts. His view of customer service and the incredible value of staff training and…
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    Books Customer Service Leadership

    The Game Changer

    A recent book published by A.G Lafley, the CEO of Proctor & Gamble and Ram Charan, the globe-trotting uber consultant, called The Game Changer is all about the turnaround…
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    Leadership Performance

    Quit? Never! Well, maybe . . . .

    Have you ever thought about quitting? Did you ever think it might be the best choice? The New York Times carried an article summarizing some of the latest theories…
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