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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Entrepreneurship Interesting Stuff Leadership Performance Productivity Talent Management

    Deliberate Practice – NOT Genius

    The New York Times carried an Op-Ed piece today extolling the more mundane interpretations of genius. It turns out according to several new books cited there, that the appearance…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Leadership Performance Recruiting Talent Management

    PowerPoint? No. Complete sentences? Yes!

    The New York Times feature, The Corner Office, generally provides practical advice from CEO's. This week's interview with Richard Anderson, CEO of Delta Air Lines, stresses the value of…
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    Cash Management Compensation Economy Leadership Recruiting Surviving the Storm

    Short Term Solution – Long Term Problem?

    The Wall Street Journal recently published further anecdotal evidence of the mixed messages that companies are receiving … and giving … about the expected upturn. While some 25% of…
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    Compensation Economy Leadership Performance

    Changing the Bonus Structure?

    The New York Times reported recently that some companies, like Xerox, are changing the bonus structure to eliminate revenue growth as one of the criteria. While the point is…
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    Cash Management Economy Family Business Leadership Strategy Surviving the Storm Talent Management

    Furloughs vs. Layoffs?

    I have written frequently about personnel decisions and offered various references on the relative value of furloughs and layoffs. The WSJ today published another article on this subject that…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Books Communication Executive Coaching Performance

    Difficult Conversations

    Business Week summarized a book entitled Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. It's a practical guide to challenging conversations in which you're required to deliver…
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    V39: Government Intrusion can be fatal!

    For almost two years, I have been writing a regular column for the North Bay Business Journal, a publication of the New York Times, a weekly business newspaper which…
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    Capital Markets Corporate Governance Economy Finance Politics Strategy Surviving the Storm United States – General

    Inside Wall Street’s Armageddon

    I overlooked posting this article earlier, entitled After the Fall. It was written by Michael Lewis of Liar's Poker fame and published in the Dec/Jan 09 issue of Portfolio…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Executive Coaching Leadership Performance Productivity

    What gives life meaning?

    John Donahoe, the CEO of eBay, was interviewed in the NY Times and mentioned the laminated card he keeps in his wallet. It comes from a speech John W….
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