Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Leadership Performance Talent Management Uncategorized

    Time to Toughen Up!

    One of the common issues I face in working with CEO's and other business leaders is the resistance we all have to making tough decisions. Usually, they're decisions that…
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    Economy Entrepreneurship Leadership Performance Planning & Forecasting Strategy Surviving the Storm

    Begin planning for 2010

    The McKinsey Quarterly, a publication of McKinsey & Company, recently published a short article offering Three Tips for planning in these uncertain times. It emphasizes the importance of developing…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Exkalibur Leadership Forum GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Performance Productivity

    Ford CEO on Being a CEO

    Thoughtful readers of this blog will see that Alan Mullaly's interview in the NY Times Corner Office column sounds like it's taken directly from work published by A.G. Lafley,…
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    Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Performance Productivity

    Multitasking? Not so much!

    Researchers at Stanford University unveiled a study last week that found that multitaskers aren't so great when it comes to accomplishments or focus.Interestingly, the study started out as a…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Leadership Performance Productivity Talent Management

    Get the right people on the bus … and let them fail?

    The NY Times runs a regular feature on Sundays entitled The Corner Office, which summarizes conversations with various CEO's on the topic of Leadership.There is a consistent theme relating…
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    Accountability Communication Executive Coaching Leadership Performance Productivity Talent Management

    The need for unbiased feedback

    There is no question that the value of unbiased feedback is critical to our success. The first cousin to Accountability, unbiased feedback is rarely a welcome interloper but one…
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    Entrepreneurship Exkalibur Leadership Forum Family Business Growth Strategy Leadership Succession Planning Talent Management

    Congratulations to Mary’s Pizza Shack

    Congratulations to Vince Albano, CEO and member of the CEO Round Table, and his entire family and team. They have just been awarded Business of the Year by the…
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    Accountability Corporate Governance Leadership Performance Productivity Recruiting Talent Management United States – General

    Gaps in your Leadership Team?

    I have written and spoken extensively on the topic of building leadership teams and how those gaps hang like an albatross around the neck of the CEO … or…
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    Accountability Economy Entrepreneurship Leadership Performance Surviving the Storm Talent Management

    Employee Engagement – A Call to Arms

    There is increasing interest in the subject of employee engagement these days as more businesses realize the value of highly focused and committed employees. Business Week recently published an…
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