Sword Tips

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    Click the button below to read our latest newsletter or browse some of our recent articles below that focus on Leadership, Productivity, Team-Building and Accountability. 

    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Leadership Productivity Talent Management

    Cheating? Who, me?

    Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational, is an insightful guy who recently performed some studies regarding cheating. (You'll need to scroll down to the 3rd article.) What he found…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Leadership Performance Talent Management

    Who cares? You should!

    Patrick Lencioni has got it right in his guest column in Business Week recently: There's no substitute for taking an active interest in the lives of your employees. The…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Executive Coaching GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Performance Productivity Talent Management

    No substitute for Leadership Team

    I mentioned here before about the regular Sunday NY Times feature called the Corner Office, which summarizes conversations with various CEO's about leadership, lessons learned, interviewing techniques, etc. Here…
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    Economy Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Latest Columns Leadership North Bay Business Journal Performance Surviving the Storm

    Vol. 49-Sinful Excess – Greed, Gluttony, Lust

    The North Bay Business Journal, a publication of the New York Times, is a weekly business newspaper which covers the North Bay area of San Francisco – from the…
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    Entrepreneurship Innovation Leadership Metrics & Reporting Numerati Uncategorized

    Say no to conventional wisdom

    There's no better time to re-examine our assumptions about what works and what doesn't. How many times have we seen the power of unconventional thinking (quit using the tired…
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    Accountability Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Uncategorized

    More Accountabilty for Directors?

    Gretchen Morgenson, a NY Times columnist, reports that shareholders are speaking out more than ever as they seek to hold directors accountable. It's a welcome trend, as we know…
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    Economy Entrepreneurship Government Is this a Great Country or What? Leadership Performance

    More tax? More government? NO!

    Thomas Friedman's Op-Ed in the Sunday NY Times entitled Real Men Tax Gas, makes sense in many ways, mostly in arguing that we have not proven to be very…
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    Economy Entrepreneurship Leadership Performance Strategy

    Million Dollar Ideas

    Forbes Magazine recently ran an intriguing article about eight different,  million-dollar businesses they discovered, each with a special niche. I love these articles because they highlight the different ways…
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    Communication Economy Entrepreneurship Family Business Growth Strategy Leadership Planning & Forecasting Strategy Surviving the Storm

    Why Planning is critical – and why you don’t do it!

    The need for planning is a common theme at Exkalibur and John Maxwell, a well-recognized source of leadership insights, has written extensively on this subject. He recently wrote about…
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