Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Economy Entrepreneurship Family Business Health Care Latest Columns North Bay Business Journal

    Vol 52 – Building a Business: Health Costs

    The North Bay Business Journal, a publication of the New York Times, is a weekly business newspaper which covers the North Bay area of San Francisco – from the…
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    Communication Executive Coaching Leadership Performance Productivity Strategy

    Alignment is the essence of management

    … or so says Fred Smith, Chairman and Founder of Federal Express. By any other name, there is no substitute for making sure that everyone on your team is…
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    Books Economy Entrepreneurship Leadership Metrics & Reporting Motivation & Incentives Performance

    Incentives Rule! The freaks are back in SuperFreakonomics.

    Many of you reading these pages have heard my refrain that "Incentives are the cornerstone of life", a mantra preached by Steven Levitt & Co. in their landmark book,…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Entrepreneurship Innovation Leadership Performance

    Answers are good. Questions are better!

    I regularly read the Corner Office column in Sunday's NY Times because the CEOs being interviewed invariably identify important leadership components that are valuable reminders of issues often overlooked….
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Performance Productivity Talent Management

    CEOs: Be a General … and a Scout

    I have mentioned on many occasions the Corner Office series in the Sunday NY Times which features an interview by Adam Bryant with a prominent CEO. The questions are…
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    Entrepreneurship Leadership Talent Management

    Try me now – hire me later!

    I have always advocated the "try 'em to see if you like 'em" theory of hiring whenever you can pull it off. Business Week has written this week about Test…
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    Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Performance Planning & Forecasting Strategy United States – General

    You don’t have enough time NOT to plan for 2010!

    I saw this recent article which is a unique take on explaining the value of business plans. While I firmly believe that an unwritten plan is mostly a morass…
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    Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Strategy Succession Planning

    Death … Taxes … AND Succession Planning!

    The sudden resignation of Ken Lewis from Bank of America highlights, yet again, the risks that family and other businesses take in failing to prepare for the inevitable succession…
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