Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Books Executive Coaching GTD: Getting Things Done Performance Productivity

    The Value of Checklists

    Checklists? Those lists I prepare each day and don't help me get everything done – don't really need to know more about them … or do you mean those…
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    Accountability Communication Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching GTD: Getting Things Done Latest Columns Leadership North Bay Business Journal Performance Productivity

    Accountability | Powerful After Action Reviews

    Many years ago when we lived in the Midwest, we became very good friends with a young couple down the street.He was a fellow fraternity brother, from another college,…
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    Accountability Communication Cost Management Economy Government Health Care Leadership Politics Surviving the Storm

    Taxachusetts? Not this time!

    As you know, Scott Brown, a Republican, defeated the Democratic candidate to fill Sen. Ted Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat, a stunning reversal of Massachusetts trends of the last 50…
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    Accountability Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Surviving the Storm

    Corporate Governance Sucks!

    If you remember, the General Motors board gave CEO Rick Wagoner a 64 percent pay raise — to $15.7 million — in 2007, when the company lost $38.7 billion….
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    Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business Latest Columns Leadership North Bay Business Journal Productivity Strategy

    Vol 57: Think Strategically!

      “The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions.”– Peter Drucker  I have been working…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Innovation Leadership Motivation & Incentives Performance Productivity Sales & Marketing Strategy

    Lessons from a Lemonade Stand!

    Seth Godin recently wrote about two lemonade stands and how simple things in the approach made such a big difference. My colleague, Jonathan Fields, also commented on this post,…
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    Interesting Stuff Is this a Great Country or What? Leadership Productivity

    Have fun today? Nah, I’ll wait ….

    Saving that bottle of great wine for a special occasion … but each time, setting it aside waiting for the NEXT great occasion? Don't take time to visit special…
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    Entrepreneurship Interesting Stuff Is this a Great Country or What? Productivity Uncategorized United States – General

    Get to work … and thanks for working

    Getting the impression that I may have caught up on a little HBR reading over the holidays? What makes you think so? I did read The Power of Unwitting…
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    Interesting Stuff Leadership Management Motivation & Incentives Performance Productivity Talent Management Uncategorized

    A little sleepy? Start at your desk!

    Have I given you anything yet for Christmas, or maybe to celebrate the New Year? Well, I have now. Consider this part of the Exkalibur Stimulus Package for 2010.I…
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