Sword Tips

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We’re supplementing that focus with additional “Business Briefs” in which we’ll share diverse perspectives on the workplace, the economy and the factors that have the greatest impact on leaders and their organizations.

Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Building a Business California Communication Companies in the News Entrepreneurship Family Business Government Health Care Innovation Motivation & Incentives Politics

    Leadership | Innovation & Growth | Congratulations to 2 North Bay Leaders

    This week, two North Bay organizations deserve a round of applause!Amy's Kitchen opens an on-site health care clinicFirst, congratulations to Amy's kitchen for its innovative approach to employee health…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Building a Business Entrepreneurship Family Business Leadership Management Organization Performance Personal Development

    Leadership | How to Keep Smart People from Killing Each Other

    How to Keep Smart People from Killing Each Other This phrase is powerful in so many ways. Smart people can often be prima donnas – I've heard those accusations myself…
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    Leadership Obstacles: No execution? No results!

    If the execution of a company’s plans is an avowed priority, critical to the success of both the CEO and the business, why aren’t CEOs spending enough time on…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Family Business Latest Columns Leadership North Bay Business Journal

    Leadership Obstacles: There’s no one to blame … except yourself

    Déjà vu all over again? How often have you heard that phrase banging against your skull … and how often was it telling you … “I’ve been here before”…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Family Business Gold – Strategy Latest Columns Leadership North Bay Business Journal Performance Productivity Strategy

    Leadership Lessons: Hope Springs Eternal … but it’s not enough!

    For most of us, this is the time of the year when hope springs eternal.We’re revved up for an exciting new year, determined to change all of the things…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Latest Columns Leadership North Bay Business Journal Personal Development

    Leadership Lessons | Delaying the tough call only makes it worse

    What Does It Take to be a Great Leader? We're always sharing valuable and practical leadership tips and tools to help you BE a better leader so you can…
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    Accountability Building a Business Communication Entrepreneurship Executive Coaching Family Business Latest Columns Leadership Leadership Series North Bay Business Journal Performance Small Business Talent Management

    Leadership | The past offers no forgiveness for today’s transgressions!

    What's missing? Why do we keep wrestling with the same issues that we've examined and discussed throughout our careers? That's what makes it both fascinating … and painful … to…
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