Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Delegation GTD: Getting Things Done Management Organization Performance Personal Development Productivity Software Technology Time Management Tools & Resources

    The 8 Most Powerful Letters in Your Productivity Toolkit | Video

    Just when I thought we had covered the waterfront with respect to accountability, I’m reminded of the linchpin of true accountability – the very simple concept of FOLLOW UP….
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    Accountability Culture Customer Service Entrepreneurship Management Personal Development

    What do people see when they look in your window?

    Do people see exactly what you want them to see when they look in your window? I ’m sure we can agree on this: You don't get a second…
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    Evernote Organization Productivity Software Technology Time Management Tools & Resources

    Productivity: The Single Powerful Feature That Makes Evernote Indispensable

    We’re good at saving paper, aren’t we? Too bad we’re lousy at finding them again right when we need them. E vernote is used by 300 million people to…
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    If You’re Not Paranoid, You’re Not Paying Attention | What’s Destructive Enrichment?

    Concepts about paranoia abound. Ask Andy Grove, Jim Collins, Muhtar Kent and me. B y any name, change is healthy, but it means you’ll have to dropkick some of…
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    Accountability California Culture Entrepreneurship Ethics Executive Coaching Leadership Living the Dream Personal Development

    The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth

    The “Truth Will Set You Free” has been uttered by thousands, but maybe only a few really believe it and tell it faithfully. T hat’s the mantra at Exkalibur.com…
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    A Lesson from Sir Isaac Newton: Remove Friction instead of Adding Force

    Newton’s 2nd Law concluded that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables – the force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. T…
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    Accountability Executive Coaching Gold – Personal Development Leadership Performance Personal Development

    There’s Only One Reason You Keep Making the Same Mistakes. Repeatedly.

    The Resistance is relentless and we have reasons galore for not accomplishing our goals. W hat is the common thread among all of the excuses reasons we use to…
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