Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Communication Leadership Management Performance Planning & Forecasting Productivity Talent Management

    Is it Too Much Trouble to Set Clear Expectations? If So, Be Prepared for Mediocre Results

    Few executives will admit it’s too much trouble to Set Clear Expectations, even for their direct reports If it's true for you, make sure you’re prepared for plenty of…
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    Accountability Communication Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Management Mission Organization Performance Productivity Sales & Marketing Tools & Resources

    Steve Jobs Got It Right: Get Rid of All the Crappy Stuff

    Do you spend too much time juggling projects and tasks you’re unlikely to ever tackle? Maybe it’s because there’s stuff in there not worth doing? S ome people call…
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    Accountability Communication Corporate Governance Culture Customer Service Ethics Family Business Performance Recruiting Talent Management

    This is How You Create a Lifelong Customer

    In many instances, finding customers can be easier than keeping customers. T here are a lot of things we can do to get them to show up. But, do…
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    Accountability GTD: Getting Things Done Management Performance Personal Development Productivity Time Management

    It isn’t Technology Creating all the Distractions. It’s us.

    We’d like to think that technology has become our enemy and is the cause of the distractions that keep us from getting things done. N ice try, but this is…
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    Communication Corporate Governance Leadership Mission Personal Development Vision

    7 Deadly Sins | Are Pride & Envy Destroying Your Business?

    Man’s shortcomings have been catalogued since the Garden of Eden, and ever after, philosophers and kings have attempted a definitive list of those iniquities. P ride is often considered…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Management Meeting Management Organization Performance Productivity Time Management Tools & Resources

    The Power of Checklists | One Simple Tool to Overcome Brain Freeze

    Checklists? You mean those lists I prepare each day that don't do anything to help my productivity? N o, it's not that kind of checklist I'm talking about. Are…
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    Accountability Communication Corporate Governance Economy Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Mission Motivation & Incentives Performance Personal Development Planning & Forecasting Strategy Vision

    7 Ways to Differentiate between a Bright Idea and a Bright Light

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." ~ Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens' famous opening sentence continues "It was the…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Management Organization Performance Personal Development Software Technology Time Management Tools & Resources

    The 4 Do-or-Die Principles of a Leakproof Productivity System

    When you look at this image, do you see your Personal Productivity system at work? Y ou can fix this leaky bucket. It’s not that hard if you faithfully…
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    Communication Culture Interesting Stuff Leadership Motivation & Incentives Personal Development Vision

    I need your help today. What is the Common Thread among these Events?

    All of us in the United States are excited about the Pope's visit this week. Regardless of your specific beliefs or faith, the Pope's commitment to social justice and…
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