Sword Tips

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We’re glad that you see value in our mission to help you Become a More Effective Leader. You’re in good company … with emerging leaders and seasoned executives … as we seek to go deep into the canons of Leadership and its brethren like Accountability, Communication and Productivity.

We’re supplementing that focus with additional “Business Briefs” in which we’ll share diverse perspectives on the workplace, the economy and the factors that have the greatest impact on leaders and their organizations.

Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Click the button below to read our latest newsletter or browse some of our recent articles below that focus on Leadership, Productivity, Team-Building and Accountability. 

    Recent Leadership Articles

    Entrepreneurship Humor Interesting Stuff Leadership Mission Organization Planning & Forecasting Vision

    What’s new in 2016? Let’s start here ….

    For a long time, I’ve been publishing new content every week … a quotation on Monday morning and a new blog post on both Wednesday and Friday.With the New…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Leadership Management Organization Performance Planning & Forecasting Strategy

    Is Your 2016 Plan Alive and Well … Or Dying on Your Credenza?

    Completing your 2016 plan does not mean you're finished. I t means you're just beginning and if you don't keep it alive, it will be DOA.In preparing for battle…
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    Accountability Culture Leadership Management Mission Organization Performance Personal Development Talent Management Vision

    Is Your Leadership Team at the Top of Its Game? | Take This Challenge

    Your Leadership Team is the linchpin of your success as well as your organization's. H ave you taken a close look at the strengths of your Leadership Team? If…
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    Accountability Entrepreneurship Holidays Leadership Mission Performance Personal Development Vision

    Happy New Year! 2016 is YOUR YEAR.

    Happy New Year, my friends. L et's see what we can accomplish together in 2016!Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. ~ Oscar WildeThe New Year is always a great…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Personal Development Productivity Strategy Vision

    Want to be more strategic in 2016? Start thinking like a drone.

    It's easy to get stuck trying to find our way out of the wilderness every day. T ry this approach to gain perspective and think more strategically.They say more…
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    Entrepreneurship Holidays Humor Leadership Performance Personal Development

    Rudolph Made It | So Can You

    If you woke up this morning with sugar plums dancing in your head, most likely Santa made it down the chimney … and Rudolph is stretched out on the…
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    Holidays Humor Interesting Stuff Personal Development Productivity

    The 12 Pains of Christmas | An Executive Sing-a-Long

    The holidays are here and we’re still trying to figure out how we’re going to get it all done. You know, all the productivity stuff we talk about? S…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Hardware Performance Personal Development Productivity Software Technology Tools & Resources

    Hi. I’m Your Mobile Phone. I’m lost and I can’t find my owner.

    We’ve become very dependent on our mobile phones, haven’t we? Losing it is super frustrating … and can be super expensive. I 've been through this exact scenario recently,…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Devices Entrepreneurship Leadership Mission Motivation & Incentives Personal Development Technology Vision

    Creativity & Innovation | They’re alive and well and living at USF

    Last week, as an Adjunct Professor at USF, I had the opportunity to once again participate as a judge for the Fall 2015 University of San Francisco Undergraduate Pitch…
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