Sword Tips

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We’re supplementing that focus with additional “Business Briefs” in which we’ll share diverse perspectives on the workplace, the economy and the factors that have the greatest impact on leaders and their organizations.

Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Click the button below to read our latest newsletter or browse some of our recent articles below that focus on Leadership, Productivity, Team-Building and Accountability. 

    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Communication Customer Service Devices GTD: Getting Things Done Humor Leadership Personal Development Productivity

    Why don’t people return phone calls?

    It’s remarkable that so few people return their phone calls on a timely basis. Why is that? A re we just lazy? Too busy? Did I mention lazy? Don’t…
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    Best Advice I Ever Got Culture Leadership Performance Personal Development Recruiting Talent Management

    How to Keep Smart People from Killing Each Other

    While I am spending a little downtime with my family, I wanted to share with you a timeless article from our Leadership Library. If you want to poison the…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Gold – Leadership GTD: Getting Things Done Leadership Management Performance Planning & Forecasting Productivity Strategy Time Management Tools & Resources

    There’s a simple one-word formula to Achieve Excellence

    PREPARE to Win … or get ready to get your butt kicked! In our travels, we’ve seen plenty of obstacles to success, from making the tough decisions to staying focused on…
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    Leadership Strategy

    Will You Be Talking about How You Will Implement This Year’s Plan … Next Year?

    Strategy Execution Not Working? A re you still trying to cobble together a plan to actually implement your strategy this year?Last week, we talked about the inevitable slowdown in…
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    Accountability Communication Delegation Entrepreneurship Leadership Mission Planning & Forecasting Productivity Strategy Technology Time Management Tools & Resources Vision

    Hope Springs Eternal … but it’s not enough!

    How’s that strategy execution coming along? I ’ll bet things are starting to drag about now, aren’t they? Summer’s here, you’re dialing it back a little, taking some well-deserved…
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    The past offers no forgiveness for today’s transgressions!

    What's missing? Why do we keep wrestling with the same issues that we've examined and discussed throughout our careers? T hat's what makes it both fascinating … and painful…
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    More Timeless Leadership Lessons | Why are some challenges so hard to kill?

    This week, our magical mystery tour continues with another retrospective about some of the timeless issues that of us face. M aybe we can figure out why some of…
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    Leadership Quotations

    Timeless Leadership Lessons and the Quotes That Go With Them

    Most of the articles I have written over 30 years have climbed around the monkey bars at the intersection of Leadership, Strategy and Productivity. A ccording to several keen…
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    Leadership Quotations

    Make Sure You are Leading by Asking the Right Questions.

    You can easily add your comment below, or by visiting our Facebook Page or @Exkalibur on Twitter. I visit them every day and look forward to discussing these ideas and…
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