Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Best Advice I Ever Got Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Mission Motivation & Incentives Performance Personal Development Productivity Quotations Talent Management Time Management Vision

    Happy Birthday, Winston | How Did You Get It All Done?

    Today, November 30, is the birthday of Winston Churchill. H e was born 142 years ago in 1874 … and died almost 51 years ago in 1965 … yet his…
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    Leadership Productivity

    Are you moving at the Speed of Lame?

    Here's the thing. If you're not organized, you can't be the effective leader you want and need to become. I f you aren’t organized … and know it ……
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    4 Lessons We Can Take Away from the 7th Game of the World Series

    Just one week ago today, the Chicago Cubs broke a 108 year old drought to win the World Series, 8-7 in the 10th inning, over the Cleveland Indians. T…
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    Leadership Personal Development

    Do you think you have True Grit? Great … but It’s Not Enough.

    What exactly is in the DNA of true grit, anyway? F or my money, no matter how you define “grit”, it isn’t enough by itself to ensure success. It’s…
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    Did You Ever Think You’d Read: Don’t Focus On Winning?

    Well, of course it is, isn't it? Isn't that what we're all trying to achieve? Victory? B ut let’s think about that for a minute. Is Winning your primary…
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    If You’re Creating Consensus, Are You Building Success?

    Last week we considered whether Collaboration is a substitute for Communication. This week, we’ll come at this from a different angle: Since we know that Collaboration = Communication ≠…
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    Communication Leadership

    You Love Collaboration. Do You Think It’s a Substitute for Communication?

    One of the most popular words in the business lexicon these days is collaboration. E veryone’s eager to flatten the organization, get rid of hierarchy, eliminate command-and-control structures and…
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    Accountability Leadership

    Who’s Interested in Paying More Taxes? Any Volunteers? | Trump’s Tax Returns

    Love or Hate Trump, your choice, but this isn't about politics W hat it is about is the ignorant financial reporting by the mainstream media. It's no wonder there's…
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    When the ‘Smartest Guys in the Room’ Can Kill You | 4 Warning Signs You Can’t Ignore

    Back in the days when the Enron crowd was on its high horse, they were referred to as the Smartest Guys in the room.You don’t want to be one…
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