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    Recent Leadership Articles


    If You’re Not Doing What Only YOU Can Do, Why Are You Here?

    The last time I looked, you're the only YOU there is. A re you make sure you’re doing the things that ONLY YOU CAN DO? What about … What…
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    When In Doubt, Ignore the Darkness. Fly Toward the Light.

    For every storm cloud, there's a ray of sunshine. B ut what if there is no light at all? How do we navigate a dark sky when there is…
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    The 4 Essential Practices Required to Finish What You Started | Amazon’s Success

    Remember this about Sir Isaac Newton because his 2nd Law has a powerful insight that will help you streamline your business processes and accelerate your growth. A mazon has…
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    Skip the Double Talk. Say What You Mean. Mean What You Say.

    Magicians are pretty amazing, aren't they? T hey do stuff right in front of our eyes … we’re on the edge of our seats … expecting the unexpected ……
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    How Will You Prevent The Toxic Flavor of Public Discourse From Infecting Your Culture?

    We have successfully dispatched decency standards from the public conversation. H ow will you stay on the high road in your organization while the public discourse has reached a…
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    Accountability Leadership

    How Can I Be Sure You’re Not Faking Authenticity?

    Authenticity is top of mind more than ever these days. Y ou can get away with a lot these days (Ferris Bueller) … stumble while giving a speech, lose your train…
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    What Are You Doing to Make 2017 the Best Year Ever?

    The New Year is always a great time for renewal and for a fresh start … but don't let yourself get bogged down by a bunch of new resolutions…
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    Holidays Humor Leadership

    10 Things You Can Do in 2017 With No Talent

    Sure, talent is always a plus, but there are a lot of things you can do that require no talent at all. T his is a holiday season post,…
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    Holidays Humor Leadership

    The 12 Course Tasting Menu of Business Excellence

    Yes, the holidays are here and already the list of things to do continues to grow – completing the annual budget, planning parties, visiting with friends, figuring out what…
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