Sword Tips

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Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Read the Latest Newsletter

    Click the button below to read our latest newsletter or browse some of our recent articles below that focus on Leadership, Productivity, Team-Building and Accountability. 

    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Communication Leadership Mission Motivation & Incentives Performance Personal Development Productivity Quotations

    Welcome to the Winter Olympics where Teamwork is Rampant

    The Winter Olympics have returned and it's exciting to see the camaraderie and kinship shared by so many, within the individual teams as well as across national boundaries. We…
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    Entrepreneurship Performance Personal Development Productivity Quotations

    Monday Quote of Week: We Know. You’re Busy. So What?

    Hop on over to our Facebook Page to leave your comment or question. I visit it every day and look forward to hearing from you and expanding our discussion of these…
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    Leadership Personal Development Quotations

    Monday Quote of Week: The Burn & The Blister

    We know this is true: but here's the question you have to answer: Why don't you remember the blister? Hop on over to our Facebook Page to leave your…
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    Leadership Personal Development Quotations

    Resentment | Bitterness | Revenge | Best to kick them to the curb!

    BTW, the same holds for Jealousy. And Bitterness And Anger. And Revenge. Let it go. (The quote has been attributed to Nelson Mandela, Buddha and Anne Lamotte among others….
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Leadership Management Organization Performance Planning & Forecasting Strategy

    Is Your Annual Plan Alive and Well … Or Dying on Your Credenza?

    Completing your Annual plan does not mean you're finished. I t means you're just beginning and if you don't keep it alive, it will be DOA. In preparing for…
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    Accountability Entrepreneurship Holidays Leadership Mission Performance Personal Development Vision

    Happy New Year! 2018 is YOUR YEAR.

    Happy New Year, my friends. L et's see what we can accomplish together in 2018!   Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. ~ Oscar Wilde The New Year is…
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    Holidays Humor Leadership

    The 12 Course Tasting Menu of Business Excellence

    Yes, the holidays are here and already the list of things to do continues to grow – completing the annual budget, planning parties, visiting with friends, figuring out what…
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    Accountability Leadership Performance Personal Development Quotations Strategy Vision

    Perfection is the Enemy of Good … and of Done.

    If you're a recovering perfectionist like me, you may have learned by now that perfection can actually be the enemy of good. It's also the enemy of Done ……
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