Sword Tips

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We’re supplementing that focus with additional “Business Briefs” in which we’ll share diverse perspectives on the workplace, the economy and the factors that have the greatest impact on leaders and their organizations.

Sword Tips also includes a variety of curated stories, with alluring insights into our lives outside the office. We’ll examine life’s mysteries, innovations and pleasures. We’ll uncover scientific discoveries, technology advances and intriguing perspectives … with timeless information that’s relevant to you, your business and your life. You’ll also have a little fun, a few laughs and enjoy entertainment options in music, TV, movies along with novels largely drawn from the Mystery-Thriller-Suspense genre.

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Interesting Stuff Leadership Motivation & Incentives Quotations Vision

    Monday Quote of the Week: Want people to follow you? Try this.

    This one costs you nothing but it’s easy to implement. When you do, look over your shoulder and see everyone who is following. Please visit our Facebook Page to leave your…
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    Accountability Interesting Stuff Leadership Motivation & Incentives Quotations Vision

    Monday Quote of the Week: Do you have any doubt about this?

    It really hits home when you're trying to come up with one more reason to skip going to the gym. Please visit our Facebook Page to leave your comment or question….
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    Accountability Innovation Interesting Stuff Leadership Metrics & Reporting Mission Motivation & Incentives Quotations Talent Management Vision

    Monday Quote of the Week: Set your own quality standards – and follow those closely

    We’ve all had this experience, haven’t we? Whether it stems from jealousy or ignorance, ’twas always the case. You've just got to keep your head down and do your…
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    Accountability Organization Quotations Talent Management Time Management Tools & Resources

    Monday Quote of the Week: Apply this concept to your productivity and you’ll become a ninja.

    This quote pretty much speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Please visit our Facebook Page to leave your comment or question. I visit it every day and look forward to hearing from…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Performance Productivity Quotations Talent Management

    Monday Quote of the Week: Are you focused on the process or only on the outcome?

    Too simple? Not really because results flow from actions. We can never be sure of the outcome despite our good intentions, but we CAN try hard enough to give…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Performance Productivity Quotations Talent Management

    Monday Quote of the Week: How hard is simplicity?

    You’ve probably heard the axiom, “I would have written you a shorter letter but I didn’t have time”? That’s the essence of this quote … and a core principle…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Performance Productivity Quotations Talent Management

    Monday Quote of the Week: Why do you think this is so true?

    Do you find yourself asking this question?  Let me know in the comments … Why are you asking? Please visit our Facebook Page to leave your comment or question. I visit…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Performance Productivity Quotations Talent Management

    Monday Quote of the Week: How Do You Keep Your Health?

    I hope you’re enjoying the Labor Day holiday and have not followed Mark Twain’s advice at all. Please visit our Facebook Page to leave your comment or question. I visit it…
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    Accountability Communication Entrepreneurship Leadership Management Performance Productivity Quotations Talent Management

    Monday Quote of the Week: Do You Chase Perfection?

    Anyone got a problem with Excellence? Football season is around the corner, but regardless of whether you’re a fan, there are many lessons we can take from the world…
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