Sword Tips

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    Recent Leadership Articles

    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Life Performance Quotations Success

    A powerful way to think about perseverance

    I love this quotation. It’s powerful in its simplicity while offering an indisputable reason for you to keep trying … NOT to keep thinking you can’t do it after…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Life Performance Quotations Success

    Hesitating? You could be toast.

    I think we’ve heard this in much simpler terms … something like “he who hesitates is lost” or words to that effect. I prefer this more elegant phrasing which…
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    Leadership Life Performance Quotations Veterans

    Remembering Our Fallen Heroes ….

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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Life Performance Quotations Success

    Are the naysayers slowing you down?

    What do you think this means? I suppose it could mean several things, but for me, it's clear: Don't let the critics get you down. There will be naysayers…
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    Accountability Best Advice I Ever Got Life Performance Quotations Success

    Working on your own progress … or eyeballin’ what others are doing?

    Like many of us, I'll bet you're making this comparison all too often. Looking across the aisle … across the room … at someone sitting in a coffee shop…
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