The Rising Executive Program

Rising Executive Program logo 012914Where do you turn to actively develop your leadership skills & practices?

Where do you get seasoned advice and counsel as you continue on this path?

Can you freely discuss every issue with your colleagues or superiors without consequences or jeopardizing your relationship with them?

Do you regularly receive direct, unbiased feedback that will make a meaningful difference in your success?

What is the Rising Executive Program?

If you don’t have definitive answers to these questions, you may find that the Rising Executive Program will provide the perfect collaborative forum where you can learn the “tools of the trade” with like-minded executives.

The Rising Executives Program includes a peer group of C-Level executives and other senior and future leaders. It serves as a confidential board of advisors committed to help each member find the best solutions to advance his or her personal and professional growth.

You CAN become a Better Leader

In the Rising Executive Program, you will be able to develop and test your leadership skills, dramatically improve your personal productivity and learn how to establish a culture of accountability within your team and your organization.

It’s a liberating feeling to discuss your goals … as well as your successes and challenges … without judgment or risk, and to participate with other executives in a penalty-free environment where you can test your ideas and plans as well as share your insights and experiences.

The Rising Executive Program is a forum where you can both help and benefit from other executives equally committed to improve your leadership effectiveness and decision-making, and thereby your Company’s performance.

How Do You Become a Successful Executive?

Most emerging leaders experience the same dismay as new parents at the lack of “official training” for their new role:

  • Where can I enhance my leadership and decision-making skills to enable me to accelerate my growth as well as my company’s success?
  • How do I meet the individual needs of my “family”, teach them teamwork and leadership skills and still make the tough, unpopular decisions?
  • How do I help to instill company values throughout the organization?
  • How do I ensure that integrity, responsibility, trust and loyalty become cornerstones of our culture?

Join the Rising Executive Program

I would like to invite you to become a member of the Rising Executives Program to help you achieve the same understanding that enabled the legendary King Arthur to pull the Exkalibur sword from the stone.

Membership is by invitation only and is limited, so please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested.

You can learn more about this program on the Rising Executive Program – Program Details page.

I look forward to discussing it with you.



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