Exkalibur Leadership Forum | Program Overview

The Exkalibur Leadership Forum is a peer group of CEOs and other senior executives who are leading a key business unit of a company.

The Exkalibur Leadership Forum serves as your personal, confidential board of advisors committed to help you find the best solutions to advance your personal and professional growth.

The members meet together on a monthly basis to sharpen their leadership skills, enhance their executive education and share their insights and experiences to help each other accomplish our mission: 

What Can You Expect from the Exkalibur Leadership Forum:

  • An opportunity for personal and professional growth and development
  • Practical leadership, productivity and accountability tools and strategies
  • Problem-solving approaches to improve decision-making
  • A group of diverse, experienced executives committed to your success
  • Insights to accelerate your professional growth and performance
  • Accountability upon which you can build your career and leadership skills

1 - Program Overview Banner

Membership Benefits

Each member will receive these minimum benefits:

  • Attendance at regular monthly meetings totaling approximately 20 hours/quarter
  • One/One meeting and coaching session with me for at least 2 hours/month.

Meeting Format

Pen and Glasses and Business File on TableThe Exkalibur Leadership Forum meets on a monthly basis from 7:30 AM – 2:00 PM on the 4th Friday of the month. This schedule is subject to change and is usually revised in the summer and for the Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation periods.

The host’s role for each meeting rotates among the members. Meetings are usually held at the member’s facility, or at a facility of their choice. The host will provide a continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments during the meeting.

Your commitment to your fellow executives and their ability to rely on your help is vital to the success of the Exkalibur Leadership Forum. Each member is expected to attend the monthly meetings, with rare exceptions for emergencies or unexpected events.

Annual Executive Plan

At the beginning of each year, you will be asked to prepare a Professional Development Plan which will both assess your achievements and challenges during the preceding year, and set forth your personal, professional and company goals for the new year.

You will receive a detailed template to guide you through that process.

My Background

conference-table1Each of our current and past members believe in the value of one-one coaching and consider it to be a critical feature of the Exkalibur Leadership Forum program.

I have spent more than 35 years in the trenches and have served in a variety of leadership roles. I have often described my background as occupying every chair around a conference table … as an employee, owner and shareholder … as an operating executive … and as a banker, consultant and advisor across a wide range of disciplines.

I have served in CEO/COO/CFO roles in privately owned companies as well as professional service roles as a commercial and investment banker, a Managing Partner of a venture capital firm and a partner in several management consulting firms.

Here is a quick guide to more details that may be helpful to you:

One-One Coaching

Coaching in Heavy metal lettersThese sessions are devoted to helping you focus on your leadership development, productivity challenges and other strategic and tactical initiatives assigned to you by your company.

  • The 1/1 meetings also focus on the goals and objectives you have set for yourself and specific tools you can use to advance your personal growth and development.
  • They also provide a sounding board for new ideas as well as accountability for your plans, particularly those you’ve described in your Annual Executive Plan.
  • They serve as a “practice tee” for presentations to be given to your board, your banker or your fellow CEO’s, as well as issue preparation and development for our upcoming meetings.


Every meeting includes an educational component focused on leadership, personal productivity, accountability and other topics critical to your leadership development and the success of your company.

The materials we consider include published articles from business magazines or leading business schools as well as video from TED, business schools and other sources.

Here are some of the categories from which these topics ar taken:

Rising Executive Program Subjects
Exkalibur Leadership Forum – Discussion Topics


Issue Resolution

Each meeting offers the opportunity for an interactive session to discuss the current challenges facing one of the members.

This is a vigorous, problem-solving discussion in which one member raises a specific issue he or she is facing. The purpose is to gather the insights and experience of fellow executives who have dealt with similar issues.

The issues will be prioritized to make certain that the most pressing ones facing each member will be discussed on a priority basis.

Each executive will also have an opportunity for an extended conversation about their company and his/her personal goals and objectives when he/she host the monthly meeting, or where otherwise appropriate.

Exkalibur Leadership Forum Mission

Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Pledge

Each member is required to sign a binding non-disclosure agreement and a commitment to the confidentiality of the group and its discussions, one of the cornerstones of the Exkalibur Leadership Forum.

The pledge will also confirm the importance of regular attendance as well as the culture of respect and integrity that is an indispensable feature of the group’s success.


Each member will be a chief executive, or otherwise identified as a senior leader of their company or key business unit.

Each invited member will be working with and developing the nucleus of a leadership team within his or her business unit.

Only one member from a particular industry segment will be accepted as a member. This encourages a free exchange of ideas without concern for competitive conflicts. Members will have veto power over future Forum candidates who may be from competitive companies or their supply chain. 

Membership Fees

Membership fees are paid monthly at the beginning of each month.

The fee structure will be discussed during the initial meeting with each member candidate.


If you are committed to personal and professional growth, improving your leadership skills and contributing to the accelerated growth and development of your company and your fellow executives, the Exkalibur Leadership Forum is an exceptional opportunity to advance those goals.

I look forward to talking to you about becoming a member of the Exkalibur Leadership Forum.

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