Getting to the Point | The Exkalibur Newsletter | May 26, 2017
This week we’re Getting to the Point with some helpful advice in from the business world along with some fascinating tidbits from the art, tech and medical arenas. Once again,…
Featured Posts in the category of Accountability
This week we’re Getting to the Point with some helpful advice in from the business world along with some fascinating tidbits from the art, tech and medical arenas. Once again,…
Over many years, I've racked my brain for the single word that represents THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE of a successful business. Go ahead. Try it. What words come to…
You've heard sayings that rhyme with this sentiment … probably ad nauseum throughout your life. Yet, there is no greater truth. We find what we're really made of … not…
Hop on over to our Facebook Page to leave your comment or question. I visit it every day and look forward to hearing from you and expanding our discussion of this idea.
Go ahead. Raise your hand if you've never made a mistake I f your hand isn’t up, how willing are you to own and admit your mistakes? What's the Difference…