Thanks for stopping by our Action Planning podcast page.
We’ve very excited to be able to offer an audio podcast program to help middle market businesses drive superior performance.
These particular podcasts are organized to give you simple but powerful introduction to the foundation of Action Planning.
This is a short course, 6 podcast series which guides you through the strategy process … in plain, simple language which is easily understandable.
I’ll explain why the terminology of “strategic planning” throws everyone off course … and why you don’t need a Harvard MBA or the GE auditorium to conduct a powerful and meaningful planning session.
Like everything we do, we’re trying to do this in short bursts so you can squeeze them into your busy day.
The “I Can Figure Out this Strategy Stuff” Podcast Series
There are the 6 Podcasts in this series. While you can certainly listen to them in any order that suits you, I’d recommend you start with Podcast #1 to get the lay of the land before you proceed:
- Overview
- Kill All the Strategy Myths
- What are your Core Competencies?
- What is Your Competition Doing?
- What about the Rest of the World?
- Which Opportunities Will You Pursue?
We’ve also made all of these podcasts available on our iTunes channel so you can listen to them conveniently … anywhere. (This might also be a good time to subscribe to our Sword Tips blog so you’ll miss absolutely nothing. We publish everything we do there … again, at no cost … and you can unsubscribe at any time if we don’t keep our promises to you.)
So, listen to our podcast episodes as often as you like … share them with your friends and colleagues … and don’t hesitate to offer your comments.
We welcome a vigorous dialogue … and using a tongue-in-cheek term I adopted in my talk radio days … “we fully respect your right to be dead wrong”.
So, fire away, be direct and let’s keep the conversation going.
What do you say?