Thank You for Joining Our January 23, 2013 Workshop

A No-Fluff, No Jargon Workshop from

Exkalibur University and these Sponsors


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What happens next?


First and foremost, thanks for signing up to join our Cash Flow Workshop. I hope you’ll find this to be a great learning experience and encourage you to contact me directly if we’re falling short of your expectations in any way.

This workshop will really enhance your Business Finance education

This will begin your journey to improve your business finance education and to understand cash flow better than ever before.

We will make every effort to help you understand cash flow and overall business performance … and most importantly … put more money in your bank account.

Here are some of the materials you’ll receive

Here’s a partial list of what will be included once you confirm your subscription, in no particular order:

  • A new E-book, Stop the Four Horsemen Stampede, will be provided
  • A timely survey to provide your input about what will help you the most in this workshop
  • Common Terms & Definitions
  • Announcements about the 1/1 meetings with a Senior Finance Team
  • … and more

Thanks, again, for joining us on this journey and for taking your business finance education seriously.

Don’t hesitate throughout this process to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or if further information would be helpful.

Best regards,


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