Accountability: How to Get Things Done!

I have spoken frequently to private and public groups about the Cornerstone of Accountability, which I summarized here for your convenient reference.

Please contact me about speaking to your group or organization on this vital topic.

Accountability is critical to business success

Creating an organization based on the accountability of its members is crucial to building a growing and successful company.

A summary of this topic is most easily seen by viewing the agenda for the March, 2010 Webinar, sponsored by Success Factors, and attended by more than 500 people.

  • Success Factors Webinar: March, 2010
  • Exkalibur Leadership Forum, January 2010

Additional Resources

Here are some resources that offer further insights about this critical issue and how to think about making accountability the cornerstone of your organization, along with specific tools that are particularly helpful.

You might start with the Featured Articles to tackle some of the issues related to Accountability.

David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” presents a powerful methodology for getting control of all of the stuff in your life that has your attention.

Getting control of this “stuff” is a crucial foundation stone to building and modeling your own personal accountability.


The U.S. Army pioneered the powerful value of the After Action Review. Here are several articles describing how to create a learning environment that fosters a pervasive culture of accountability.

Warren Buffet has an enviable track record and doesn’t error very often … but his Annual Shareholder’s Letter illustrates the power of accountability and his approach to taking full responsibility by acknowledge “his mistakes”.

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I have spoken about this topic at …

  • Success Factors Webinar: March, 2010
  • Exkalibur Leadership Forum, January 2010


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