Every Friday, we publish Sword Tips, The Exkalibur Newsletter.
For a long time, I published new content every week … a quotation on Monday morning and a new blog post on both Wednesday and Friday. Beginning on January 27, 2016, I decided to extend our coverage and began publishing Sword Tips, our weekly Exkalibur Newsletter.
I still send a favorite quote every Monday morning and now, a weekly newsletter every Friday.
The result is a more robust product that will cover a wider range of interests, and I hope, will be even more valuable to you. You can read more about this decision process in The Exkalibur Newsletter.
The Newsletter Library
For your convenient reference, we’ve created an archive of the a few of the most recent Sword Tips issues. You will find a PDF version of each of them below. Some of the segments in a particular newsletter may take you to other pages where longer features are available.