Understanding Cash Flow – The Workshop


A No-Fluff, No Jargon Workshop from Exkalibur University



How can I REALLY understand cash flow and make it grow?

How often have you found yourself saying something like …

“Where are they getting those numbers?”

“I made money last year … but I don’t have any cash?”

“Where do I put my hands on the profit we made last year? Where did it all go, anyway?”

How often have you looked at your cash balance and wondered why it’s so different from the profits you made? If cash and profits are the same thing … or “close enough” … why aren’t they about the same?

It’s frustrating because cash is tangible … we can see it, count it, spend it … but we can’t spend profits … they’re invested in different places, aren’t they? … and that net worth stuff … where can I actually put my hands on that?

That’s what I’ll show you in this powerful workshop.

You can learn this!

Your first inclination may be to run toward the exits when business finance is mentioned … but it’s only because you’ve been led to believe that these principles are understandable only by seasoned and studied financial professionals.


Cash flow is the lifeblood of business … you can’t survive or thrive without it. By devoting even a limited amount of concentrated time and attention to it, you can learn these principles.

My job is to make sure that when you leave the workshop, you understand where it comes from … what creates it … what hurts it the most … and what you can do about it.

Here’s what you’ll learn Vince General Testimonial

  • This workshop will be a practical, real-world learning experience about the structure and foundation of cash flow management.
  • At the completion of the workshop, you will have gained a much deeper understanding about the measurement, management and practical implications of true cash flow (not artificial cash flow metrics like EBITDA).
  • You will understand the critical role of the balance sheet in managing cash flow, and
  • Be able to communicate more effectively with your financial team, bankers and accountants about these issues.

During our workshop, we’ll unravel these details and I’ll show you how to calculate the investment in your trade cycle and the cash value of a single day in your business so that you will really begin to understand how your business decisions impact cash flow.

Here’s a simple example

What about the considerable cash flow savings that may be available to your business? Here’s a simple example.

Let’s say your trade cycle runs to about 60 days. (I’ll show you how to calculate this in our workshop, but it’s typically measured by the number of days it takes a company to convert the resources invested in its production and sales cycle into the cash received from its customers.)

What if I told you that cutting JUST ONE DAY from your trade cycle …  in a $1 million (annual sales) company … would save you $2,700?

Look at value of just 3 Days of your trade cycle

Imagine if you could learn how to shave 5% off your 60 day trade cycle … … would you believe that you could put over $7,500 in cash in the bank.

If your business does $5 million/year, that 1 day is worth $13,500 … and those same 3 days are worth almost $40,000. For a $10 million annual sales company, that’s over $80,000 in real cash in the bank.

Your time is precious and there’s little to spare these days. That’s why we’ve created an action-packed workshop that will hit hard and present the practical steps you can immediately apply to your business.

No jargon, no BS, no arcane theories. We’ll start with a basic understanding of financial statements and their interrelationships because it’s critical to understanding cash flow. Then, weSteve Herron Testimonial‘ll start working on some of the levers you can pull to improve cash flow right now.

All in, we’ll get that done in less time than it takes for a round of golf … or a trip to see a baseball or hockey game.

Who should attend?

This is an entry level workshop for non-finance executives, including CEOs, COOs, Partners, Board members and other executives. In particular, this workshop will help small or middle market business owners, particularly those with bricks and mortar offices and 10+ employees.

Many accounting folks will also benefit from this workshop, particularly if their experience has mostly involved internal accounting activities. Of course, all business leaders are welcome … including executives who are leading not-for-profit organizations.

Everyone who attends will be a lifelong learner who, even with limited time to learn or listen, is eager for improvement in the fastest time possible. That’s why we are creating this short but high impact course.

If your career developed within a single functional discipline, i.e., sales, production, operations, etc., you know that even a modest understanding of business finance will significantly improve your ability to contribute to your company’s performance.

Join us for this unique, practical and streamlined workshop

If you have any questions, feel free to call me or send me an email and I’ll promptly respond. I look forward to working with you and providing all of the resources we can to make this an invaluable, practical and immediately applicable program.

All the best,


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