It’s about time!
Tomorrow, the Obama Administration is scheduled to announce new initiatives to spur small business lending. Among the initiatives are increasing limits for SBA loan and make it easier for smaller…
Tomorrow, the Obama Administration is scheduled to announce new initiatives to spur small business lending. Among the initiatives are increasing limits for SBA loan and make it easier for smaller…
How do you create jobs? Finally, this question is finally getting some attention in Washington ... sadly, it took increasing painful unemployment reports to get this front and center ...…
Sorry, folks, but I do not see any meaningful evidence of a stimulus package, that vaunted $700B jump-start to the economy. I deplored it back then … I think “mud sandwich” was the term I used. Some of us pointed out that Congress’ own calculations showed that most of it would not be effective until 12-18 months elapsed … and now the evidence is in. I’ve also referred to it as another government boondoggle because there is such an obscure line of sight and accountability for the results of the program, that you could just be sure it wouldn’t have the desired results. If you created a program like this for your business, you wouldn’t have either a business or a job.
Even the NY Times editorialized recently about the lack of leadership on jobs. Here are some of the statistics they quoted which are sobering indeed; there’s more but you get the gist:
Despite all the recent publicity about the SBA's "helping hand" to small business, recent reports tell another story. Loan volume in dollars is down $3.6 billion, around 27%, and 25,000…
Thomas Friedman’s Op-Ed in the Sunday NY Times entitled Real Men Tax Gas, makes sense in many ways, mostly in arguing that we have not proven to be very “tough” in making the difficult decisions. At the same time, Friedman presupposes that a gas tax would provide significant funding that the “government” could then deploy to reduce the deficit and fund health care. (more…)