New credit squeeze coming for small business?
You'll recall my recent post about the anticipated changes and expansion of small business lending. Now it's possible that two of the stimulus programs may expire ... BEFORE any new…
You'll recall my recent post about the anticipated changes and expansion of small business lending. Now it's possible that two of the stimulus programs may expire ... BEFORE any new…
By now, you know that the Sunday NY Times Corner Office series is oft-quoted here to highlight varying aspects of leadership that flow from Adam Bryant’s conversations with notable CEOs and business leaders.
This week he interviewed Drew Gilpin Faust, the first female President of Harvard University. Communication is a critical factor in her leadership style, and I can concur with the extraordinary importance this has in a university setting, having spent 6 months consulting with UCLA. The university community is a diverse governance conundrum with many cooks and few bottle washers, so communication is vital across all of the constituencies and leadership platforms. It’s no less important in your organization but the style required in a university setting sets a high standard for what’s required from all business leaders.
She also emphasizes the value of MBWA … the leadership tactic of “Management by Walking Around” mentioned often here. She also emphasizes (more…)
... or so says Fred Smith, Chairman and Founder of Federal Express. By any other name, there is no substitute for making sure that everyone on your team is "aligned"…
The other day we learned of renewed efforts promised by the Obama Administration to stimulate small business.This week, they announced some plans to sweeten guaranteed loan programs. The administration is…
I regularly read the Corner Office column in Sunday's NY Times because the CEOs being interviewed invariably identify important leadership components that are valuable reminders of issues often overlooked. In…