Business Finance: Vol. 2 – How Do We Do It?

Volume 2 of our Financial Adrenaline series, entitled How Do We Do it?, explains how we begin the process of introducing the powerful principles of Strategic Finance into your business. We expand upon our conversation about the current state of financial reporting and describe our commitment to you that Finance should NOT be the Reason for Business Failure. We offer a series of questions that are crucial to successful businesses but that we don't think you can answer by looking at your traditional financial statements. We also explain why traditional financial statements are historical renderings of financial transactions but don't lead to the action plans necessary to drive improved business performance.

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Business Finance: Vol. 1 – What do we believe?

In Volume 1, we quantify the gap in financial literacy that can destroy a business. We show you the difference between traditional financial statements, spreadsheets and ratios ... and the powerful visual and interactive tools that are available to help executives drive improved business performance. We know that you believe passionately in your business, and that you want to manage the risks and protect your family.We know that you want to understand the most important aspects of Strategic Finance because you know it plays a critical role on many fronts. Our introductory video will help you understand the power of Strategic Finance and and why your intense focus on Free Cash Flow is more important than any other measure of business performance.

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Start-Ups Create Lasting Jobs

A recent report from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation entitled After Inception – How Enduring is Job Creation by Start-ups?”, uncovered several notable findings about the job creation power of start-ups:

  1. The number of start-ups that flourish and create jobs balances the jobs lost by companies that close.
  2. 80% of the jobs created in the first year are still here after 5 years.
  3. Companies that start during recessions general catch up in hiring after the recession ends.

So what? (more…)

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“We’re not an eleemosynary institution!”

That’s the phrase one of my oldest and closest banker friends always used – he became the President of a major division of a major bank before he retired. You may not know that word – and it’s at least a “50-center”, maybe more, but he loved it and used it on me all the time.

… pause … have you looked it up yet or are you waiting for me to tell you? … come on ….

Yeah, that’s what I thought. Okay. It means charitable, as in “we’re not a charitable organization” … meaning we do have a few basic rules:

  • We expect to get paid … so we’d like to confirm that your projections provide sufficient free cash flow so you can actually pay us back.
  • We like to have some collateral in case something goes wrong.
  • We’d like to see some owners’ capital invested in the business so we know we’re in this together.
  • We’ll probably ask for your personal guaranty, too, to be sure you’re dedicated like the “bacon” and not just committed like the “egg”.
  • It would be nice if you had some kind of demonstrable track record and relevant management experience so we can assess whether you know what you’re doing in the business you’re in now.

Those are the basic rules … which is why I’m getting pretty tired of the endless news articles and blog posts about the lack of adequate capital for small business. (more…)

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