Leadership | The Fires You Want Are The Ones You Set
Create your own firesFire has been around since before Prometheus stole it from Zeus and shared it with us mere mortals.We won’t revisit the penalty that Zeus bestowed but suffice…
Create your own firesFire has been around since before Prometheus stole it from Zeus and shared it with us mere mortals.We won’t revisit the penalty that Zeus bestowed but suffice…
“It’s just a goal.”
That’s a phrase I’ve heard too many times when a business leader engages in a performance review with an employee or when companies embark on a corporate planning effort.
Do they mean that a goal is more like a road sign, pointing the way without regard for whether you actually arrive?
Is it like the proverbial carrot dangled on the stick in front of us, with some motivational value but with no expectation that we will ever feast upon it? (more…)
The New York Times had some fun with Gov. Schwarzenegger’s idea ... I missed it the first time around ... to put a $10 tax on a round of golf.…
Wow! According to a NY Times report, a recent study at the University of Maryland found that business plans really don't matter! Their study found that VC's pay little attention…
The New York Times carried an Op-Ed piece today extolling the more mundane interpretations of genius. It turns out according to several new books cited there, that the appearance of…