Sword Tips, the Exkalibur Newsletter: Jan 20, 2022
ANNOUNCEMENT I hope you enjoy the updated, user-friendly format and Table of Contents Click any title in this new Table of Contents to take you directly to that section. You…
ANNOUNCEMENT I hope you enjoy the updated, user-friendly format and Table of Contents Click any title in this new Table of Contents to take you directly to that section. You…
Welcome to the first Sword Tips newsletter of 2022. A lot of good stuff in here and you'll be greeted with a beautiful new Table of Contents.
Sword Tips, the Exkalibur Newsletter returns with a holiday edition ... and much much more.
Remember how Mom used to say: “You know better than that?” She knew we could make better decisions. So, why did she have to say this so often? It wasn’t…
Get More At Bats!
A good hitter knows he has to get more hits to be great. A great hitter knows she has to get more at bats to get to the Hall of Fame.
In the midst of a relentless focus on cost reduction, many executives have lost sight of an equally important part of the survival equation – revenue enhancement, a fancy term for “get more sales”. What better way to create a laser focus on that objective than to “get more at bats”? (more…)