Brother, can you spare me a dime?
You mean $5 Billion? Yes, if you live in Zimbabwe, that's about the value of an American dime. You know the old saw about "if you're out of checks, you're…
You mean $5 Billion? Yes, if you live in Zimbabwe, that's about the value of an American dime. You know the old saw about "if you're out of checks, you're…
In 1886, Keokuk, Iowa celebrated Independence Day with a parade and the usual festivities. Samuel Clemens (better known to most as Mark Twain) was present and was asked to say a few words during the celebration, which he did, mixed with the laughter of the citizenry who hung on his every word:
ESPN the Magazine recently reported on the “oldest ongoing sporting event in the world”. It started in 1362 with two simple rules: no water breaks and no timeouts. Short matches? Quite the contrary . . . how about the Championship match that took 60 minutes and required that the loser be carried out by his friends?
Ping pong you say? Bocce? Curling? (more…)
That's some kind of lunch, even if it's for 8 people at the venerable NY steakhouse, Smith & Wollensky's. See who paid $2.1 million - no, that's not a misprint…
Many of you saw the post on Michael Fournier's attempt to parachute to earth from 25 miles up. Unfortunately, as the adjoining picture reveals, it wasn't a good day. In…