Pay more attention to “free cash flow”
You may not need another metric to measure your business but CFO Magazine recently described an interesting new metric called "free cash flow growth profile" as a measure of measuring…
You may not need another metric to measure your business but CFO Magazine recently described an interesting new metric called "free cash flow growth profile" as a measure of measuring…
It’s truly stunning that the Senate today failed to pass an assistance program for the auto industry.
I’ve tried not to be too vociferous about all of this, and I’ve written before about being in favor of a bridge loan to the automakers despite the railing of my capitalist friends, but this decision is truly mind-boggling!
It’s unarguable that our economy is extremely fragile. I think it’s equally clear . . . crystal . . . that it cannot withstand the catastrophic results of a failure within our largest manufacturing sector, which arguably supports 2.5 – 3 million jobs, without great harm to the economy in all of its incarnations . . . unemployment, consumer spending, etc.
The Senate has shown again how out of touch they are . . . (more…)
Business Week recently published a summary of some of the challenges facing companies seeking venture capital. Most of the advice is pretty common, and I think, applies to obtaining capital…
Isn't it fun to watch our regulators talk about the availability of business lending? CFO magazine may not have observed that their recent article, TARP Won't Spread Loans for Months,…
There are times when looking to customers for financing might be a valuable tool. This concept goes beyond getting extended terms from suppliers, although that is an excellent form of…