The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth
The “Truth Will Set You Free” has been uttered by thousands, but maybe only a few really believe it and tell it faithfully. T hat’s the mantra at and…
The “Truth Will Set You Free” has been uttered by thousands, but maybe only a few really believe it and tell it faithfully. T hat’s the mantra at and… Simon Sinek is one of the speakers at Leadercast 2014 taking place on ONE DAY ONLY on Friday, May 9. His TED talk, "How Leaders Inspire Action" is the 3rd…
You grabbed the last piece of cake before your sister could get it. The principal called and said your daughter broke another girl’s toy because she got to it first. Your son pushed a boy on the playground because that boy got the last place on the teeter-totter.
“You know better than that!” Isn’t that what our mothers would have said — our fathers, too?
What made them think that we knew better than that? (more…)