Today is a Good Day to Quaff a Chilled Mug of Amnesia
Get yourself a tall chilled mug of Amnesia and have a seat. T his is a beverage you should drink as often as possible.No calories. Low in carbs … but…
Get yourself a tall chilled mug of Amnesia and have a seat. T his is a beverage you should drink as often as possible.No calories. Low in carbs … but…
Car jack. Nail clippers. Claw Hammer. Teeter-totter. Tweezers. Nutcracker. Scissors. W hat do these devices all have in common? They create leverage, a simple but extraordinary force that increases the…
Just when I thought we had covered the waterfront with respect to accountability, I’m reminded of the linchpin of true accountability – the very simple concept of FOLLOW UP. D…
Our leadership prowess is always on the line but nowhere more powerfully than on the starting line at the Indy 500. Y ou're all in, 24/7 for 365 days ...…
You need to develop a Delegation Mindset!Yes, it's sad but true.If you're a leader and you don't develop a delegation mindset, you'll never get enough done to extend your influence or…